Who Are You?

The Furry Leadership Roundtable was created in 2010 by Dan Hauschild, aka Takaza J. Wolf. A 20-year veteran of the furry fandom, Takaza has been on staff for Mephit Furmeet, Anthrocon, Further Confusion, Furry Connection North, and Fur Squared. He was one of the founding Board of Directors members for Midwest FurFest and there served as Hotel Liaison, Operations Director, and served two two-year terms as Chairman. Dan passed away on March 26, 2017.

FCLR administration is currently handled by Takaza’s husband Tom Brady, aka Duncan da Husky. Path Hyena assisted in administration from 2017 to 2018, and his patience and advice is deeply appreciated.

Duncan has been in the furry fandom since 1998, and has been on staff for Anthrocon, Further Confusion, Furry Connection North, and Fur Squared. He was also one of the founding Board of Directors members for Midwest FurFest and served as Registration Director, Hotel Liaison, Vice Chair, and Chairman there.

Duncan’s current role in FCLR is to administer the mailing list, contact conventions with information about joining FCLR, and assist and/or organize FCLR events where needed.